Power Outages By County

About This Endpoint

This API endpoint will show power outages by either the counties selected, or your entire coverage area (as defined on your App Settings page), in snapshots of the given interval for the given period of time.

Using the Query Builder

Power Outages By County Query Builder

With the Query Builder, you can specify the parameters for your request such as the counties for which you wish to receive data, the length of time for which to retrieve power outage data, and the interval at which to see snapshots of power outages during that time range. You can also select the output format of your request.

As you modify the request parameters, your URL to use will update automatically. Click the Copy button next to the URL to copy it to your clipboard, and paste it into your script or browser to download the results. The generated URL will automatically include your account's API key.

  • Tip: If you choose to select specific counties on this Query Builder, the list of counties will be filtered by your coverage area as defined on your App Settings page before querying the database. If you are trying to include a county that is not showing up in the results, be sure it is included in your coverage area.

Do It Yourself

The /poweroutages/by-county endpoint accepts the following query parameters:

  • counties
    • (Required) Either a comma-separated list of five-digit county FIPS codes as used by NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards, or the keyword all which uses the counties defined in your coverage area on the App Settings page.
  • history
    • (Required) An integer or floating point value representing the number of hours for which to retrieve historical data.
  • interval
    • (Required) An integer value representing the number of minutes within the given time range to snapshot outage data. This value should be equally divisible into the time range and greater than 10 (our power outage data does not have granularity of less than 10 minutes).
  • format
    • (Optional) Receive results in this format. Defaults to json. WSI Max users will need to use csv.
  • apikey
    • (Required) Your account's API key.